elva carri

Freelance copywriter, blogger and editor.

Thanks for being sound – Murphy Cycles!

bike accessories

Sometimes people are more helpful and kind than they need to be. I think when a business is new or small or struggling, the people working there are more inclined to make efforts and compromises in order to make a sale, be it of their services or a product. One can be headstrong and not budge on anything but in the long run, my hope and belief is that it pays off to go the extra mile or offer that discount. Because word of mouth is important and so is creating a sense of loyalty with your customers or potential customers.

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Gift Ideas for Men / Boyfriends / Husbands

gift ideas for men boyfriends husbands

If you’re on a small budget, always go with thoughtful. Spending lots of money is much too easy, showing the person you know them and you care and you’ve been listening is what’s more important.

I work with BootsJeansandLeathers.com, so i am biased in suggesting this, but we sell great mens boots (among other things for great men) and we can help pick you out a pair for the right reasons.

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The Stability / Fiscal Treaty – Vote Yes or Vote No?

When it comes to politics and voting i always feels like i missed the first half of whatever happened and as a result don’t have a notion what’s going on. And then there’s the language and terminology involved. I could be reading for a week.

I was compelled to begin research to help me decide by one poster in particular. It vaguely states ‘Secure Ireland’s future, vote yes.’ That got me right bothered because the statement you’d be voting yes to doesn’t mean anything. If there’s one thing i’m certain of it’s that the future is secured – it might be a bleak one, it might be a great one – but the future is undoubtedly, 100% going to happen.

Issues with vague statements aside. Here’s some info to help you decide:

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